For sale!

Hello there!
As you might be knowing, I am quitting. Penguin Cheatsy will be closing down, but I don't want to waste my hard work and just let it go. So, I will like to giveaway my theme and my guides.
Though, this will not be for free. If you are interested in buying this theme, you may comment with your price, name, Twitter username (if you have one) and your email address. The price may be from the range of $10 to $35. If you do buy the theme, you get:
1. Your websites logo designed by me
2. The theme of my website
3. The proper guide to how to make everything present on this website.
4. The official Twitter account of PenguinCheatsy (with over 150 followers)
5. All the guides present on my website (i.e. EPF, Tour Guide, Ninja, etc.)
Though, you will not get:
1. My personal Twitter account
2. The website name (I will put this theme on your website, though,

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